Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad Visa


  • Purpose:

The Digital Nomad Visa is specifically tailored for individuals who work remotely and wish to reside in Spain while continuing their professional activities. It caters to freelancers, entrepreneurs, remote workers, and anyone whose job can be performed digitally from anywhere in the world.

  • Eligibility:

Applicants must demonstrate that they work remotely for a company based outside of Spain or that they are self-employed and conduct business with clients or customers primarily outside of Spain.

  • Financial Requirements:

While specific financial requirements may vary, applicants typically need to demonstrate a steady income that is sufficient to support themselves and any dependants while living in Spain. This could include income from remote work, freelance projects, investments, or other sources.

  • Health Insurance:

Applicants are required to have private health insurance coverage that provides full coverage in Spain. The insurance must be valid for the entire duration of their stay and must meet the minimum coverage requirements set by the Spanish authorities.

  • Background Check:

Applicants may be required to provide a clean criminal record certificate from their country of origin or from any country where they have resided in the past few years.

  • No Employment in Spain:

Holders of the Digital Nomad Visa are not permitted to engage in any work or professional activities for Spanish companies or clients while in Spain. Their work must be exclusively performed for clients or employers outside of Spain.

  • Residency Requirement:

While there is no strict residency requirement for the Digital Nomad Visa, holders must spend a significant portion of their time in Spain to maintain their residency status. They must also abide by the visa’s terms and conditions, including tax obligations.

  • Renewal:

The initial Digital Nomad Visa is typically granted for one year, after which it can be renewed for additional periods as long as the applicant continues to meet the eligibility criteria.

  • Family Members:

The Digital Nomad Visa may extend to immediate family members, including spouses and dependent children, depending on the specific regulations of the visa program. Each family member must apply separately but can benefit from the same professional activities as the main applicant.

  • Language Proficiency:

While not always required, applicants may be encouraged to have at least basic proficiency in Spanish to facilitate their integration into Spanish society.

  • Tax Obligations:

Holders of the Digital Nomad Visa are considered tax residents of Spain and are subject to Spanish tax laws. They must declare any worldwide income to the Spanish tax authorities and fulfill their tax obligations accordingly.

  • Benefits:

The Digital Nomad Visa allows holders to reside in Spain legally while continuing their remote work activities. It provides access to Spain’s healthcare and education systems, as well as opportunities to experience the country’s culture, lifestyle, and vibrant digital nomad community.

  • Legal Assistance:

Due to the complexity of visa applications and legal requirements, many applicants choose to work with immigration lawyers or specialized agencies to ensure compliance and smooth processing of their visa applications. We are here to help